For Companies

Meet talent and recruit direct. No agency fees.

Why attend

Meet pre-screened candidates

We screen CV’s and invite the best candidates to attend. Meet candidates with experience as well as students from top universities.
Perfect for finding developers, engineers, designers, managers, interns and more.

Many speed interviews in a day

Save time on sourcing applications and spend more time on conversation.

Increase your talent pool

Collect CV’s online via our job board as well as at the event. Start building your relationship with candidates for future job openings.

Build your employer brand

Increase your brand awareness with job seekers. Introduce colleagues and present your team. Show what it is like to work at your company.

Save with fixed cost recruitment

Pay only for the event and candidate invites. No agency / recruiter fee or commissions.

Candidate profiles

Tech and engineering roles

CTO, frontend, backend and full stack developers 
Web, mobile and game developers 
Database specialists, Devops specialists
QA testers
UI / UX designers, interaction designers
Coders in Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, and more

Product and business roles

Product managers
Product marketing
Sales and business developers 
Marketing, PR and social media managers, growth hackers 
Data analytics specialists 
Community and customer support managers

In-person recruitment event

Host it at your office or event venue

Format: Invite only for local talent

  •  Invite verified applicants our local talent pool of 15000+ candidates
  • Present your product and company
  • Discuss job roles in person
  • Speed interview candidates in person
  • Have high quality and in-depth 1 on 1 discussions
  • Introduce your team to candidates
  • Give candidates an office tour
  • Give candidates an experience of your company culture
  • Raise brand awareness within the local talent community

Virtual recruitment event

Host it on your online platform

Format: Recruit top talent globally

  • Invite applicants on global platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Wellfound, Glassdoor etc
  • Present your product and company
  • Present all open jobs and requirements
  • Invite candidates to schedule interviews
  • Answer general Q and A from candidates
  • Reach many candidates cost effectively
  • Give a virtual office tour
  • Increase brand awareness to talent
  • Collect CV’s before, during and after the event

Host an in-person event at your office or virtual recruitment event online